Roofing Shingles: Features and Functions

Whether you are planning to construct a new home or eyeing buying a property, it is essential to be aware of the roofing shingles in Barrie. Usually, these things come in different types, including 3-tab shingles, luxury shingles, and 3-dimensional shingles. This blog gives you a detailed guide on the features and functions of these shingles. Features of Roof Shingles Roof shingles consist of individual overlapping elements that are placed over one another. They are rectangular-shaped and flat. These shingles are arranged from bottom to top. The bottommost course is the starter course, while we call the topmost course the ridge course. The design of the shingles allows them to repel snow, water, and ice, and thus they function as a waterproof barrier. What Are the Main Three Functions of Roof Shingles? Roof shingles serve in the three main areas, which are as follows. Aesthetics The overall look of your residential building will depend on the type of shingle you choose. Varieties of ro...